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You Are Going To Click On This Article

Steps to heaven

I was about to write something on perseverance and all. About how Medium was hiding away our articles only within a day or two. But we needed to battle it out and emerge and all that stuff that you’ve heard earlier!

I had even thought of a juicy title for that post. A clickbait, which is what people call it these days. Yeah, I did it. I thought of a good clickbait! (That means I’m awesome?! Or am I?)

The Clickbait hype

If you can lure people by making them look at your headlines, you’re good to go! You’ve secured your views! Then it doesn’t matter what trash we write, but the first step is the headline.

Clickbaits have become way more popular than we think. Many publications like The Startup, are strict about discouraging its use.

There’s almost everything on the internet now. From changing diapers to learning how to build a flying car. Everything!

There’s a website that analyzes your headline for you. It even shows the SEO score and its visibility in search engines. Then, there are tons of articles here on Medium and on the web. Guiding on how to creating your own clickbait.



I’m done. I’m not able to think more on what should I write here.

It’s a clickbait. So what? What next? There are dozens of clickbaits with me. Like this one. But what am I supposed to write now? I don’t get it!

I’ve written everything I knew about clickbaits and I’m also running out of jokes to crack.

Oh, right…this must be feeling like ranting to you. But I’m loud-thinking. Please bare with me


There’s nothing more to write man! Or maybe there is! It could be that I can’t elaborate. Oh god! I’m a terrible writer!

No, wait! I am a good writer! People are waiting for me. (Keep yourself in high spirits…check)

The truth is, I had started with this idea. Then, the above script ran in my head. After that, an idea popped out of nowhere that totally destroyed the idea of this post. (Wait…was there an idea behind this crap?)

Now, I’m writing something else. I don’t know what. It’s just flowing. Ideas are coming to me as if they had lined up themselves. Waiting for me to finally attend them.

Spontaneity rules!

You won’t believe this. But, after I diverged from the clickbait idea, I had another idea in my head. It was to express the sudden blankness in the head. The loading… subtitle.

But, before starting this sub-topic, another idea popped up. It gave meaning to this post.

This article will be the dearest to me. Because I hadn’t planned a bit about it. It came and I ranted. I know, ranting is not good. But the spontaneity is what bewilders me.

After bashing with vague ideas for this post, I came to this concluding point. The spontaneous road did it! Which built itself as I took forward steps.

I started with something, then I shifted to something else, and now I’m concluding with a valid point. (At least that’s what I think.)

Whenever I used to read books that used to say, “Let go and Let god!” “Your smallest efforts will do the greatest.” I wouldn’t believe in them. They used to please me. But I never practiced them as such.

But today, all these great writers and pioneers have their point proved! Least effort does work! You can let go and let god! It’s not impossible.


My first sub-title depicts my first idea. The second sub-title shows my second spontaneous idea. And my final one shows the final spontaneous words that came out of me.

I know. This post could’ve felt like ranting. It could look unstructured. But this is my best piece in all these days. It is like I’ve written a public diary entry! It feels good.

I’m not going to change my title. Because it is a clickbait. And then it takes you down the lane of my mind where spontaneity ruled. Where my perspectives changed and gave me better results. They concluded my post to a meaningful end.

I had never meant to write on spontaneous writing. It came. I never meant to express blank minds, but it came. I never meant to publish this idea. But I am!

It’s a miracle.

You guys must be thinking that Aspiring Author has gone crazy. But this experience has been so awakening for me. And it is so subtle that it’s a wonder how it formed itself into words.

I mean, look at this. Look at the title. Were you expecting such an idea? No! (Unless you’re a time-walker)

Neither was I.

Smallest efforts will bring you the greatest results. -(Forgot…😢)


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